Dalisor Wiki

The Squad of commandos that has made it their business to follow, obey, and defend Caractacus and his companions is a highly-skilled groiup of Avianid professional commando soldiers(not mercenaries) of an organization called the Border Commando; bassically, the in additin to do ing what theuir name implies, they also serve as Air Marines on board large aerial warships.

Stellarum/Nordironian embassy Border Commando Squad Roll:

Sergeant Saccanthus Lancken-Storch

Corporal Karl Szlingenlander

Airman First Class (AFC) Heidegger Krupp

AFC Stanusch Himmels

AFC Kruger Krinstadt

AFC Harpertten Krein-Stolk

AFC Drindell Hunedt

AFC Jkob Von Sklaat

Lance-Airman Dannaldt Einfaber
